An Introduction to SnapDibz

SnapDibz is a hip-hop/pop artist based in the Chicago area. Formerly a duo, SnapDibz is now a one-man show because his ex-partner is too busy, though his music still hits just as hard as before - if not harder. A hip-hop veteran of twelve years, SnapDibz brings a lot of experience and skill to his music and it definitely shows in his standout sound. Today we take a listen to five tracks from SnapDibz, “Unbreakable”, “You and I”, “Master Plan”, “The Climb”, as well as an unreleased song, “Dead2Me”, that is due out on November 18, 2020.

“Unbreakable” is an up-tempo and melodic hip-hop song. Quick-hitting flow and snappy word choice make this track stand out as an energetic anthem that fits the theme suggested by the title very well; the vocal melody here plays off of the beat very well and makes this track a blast to listen to on repeat. Ultimately, “Unbreakable” comes off like a strong message that SnapDibz is here to stay, no matter what may come and the outro does a superb job of driving the point of the track home, declaring “no matter how much pressure, man I never will collapse”.

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“Dead2Me” strikes a pretty deep cord, featuring themes of betrayal and loss. SnapDibz’s quick-hitting bars take center stage in this track as well, though instead of feelings of triumph like in “Unbreakable”, we can hear pain in his voice. You can tell this song is coming from a personal and genuine place and I found the lyrics to be relatable with the kind of substance that really invokes feelings of pain and nostalgia mixed together. This track’s nature truly lets SnapDibz’s skills shine through as he expertly captures a down to Earth dreary vibe.


“You and I” is a track that features strong lyrics about a relationship with lots of love and lots of problems. This track features the most prevalent beat and energy in the instrumental track of any of the tracks we listen to in this article, with this part of the song really driving everything forward in an enjoyable way. Through “SnapDibz’s lyrics, “You and I” features acknowledgement of misdeeds in the relationship being sang about but also features enough love to keep on fighting through to stay together - “You and I till the day I die”. Filled with ride-or-die energy, “You and I” really shines in a relatable way.


“Master Plan” is an in-your face track that posits the question “life is a circus - are you ready for it?” in its first line. This track is the best melodic effort from SnapDibz to date, showcasing his ability to utilize his trademark quick-hitting delivery in a way that is super catchy and leaves a lasting impression. I also found the instrumental track to be one of the most interesting from SnapDibz, offering a very distinctive soundscape to explore - something that kept me coming back to this track. “Master Plan” is aquic burner that really showcases some of my favorite pieces of SnapDibz’s big talent.


“The Climb” takes us through the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting the negative aspects of the virus - and the way that has negatively impacted us all - while also praising essential workers. This track has a very heartfelt and even tender approach to it; you can tell that SnapDibz was emotionally affected by the virus and this song has great emotional energy as a result. Overall, “The Climb” features a message that is encouraging while inspiring some hope that we can band together and fight the virus together - the kind of message we still need as we continue to face Covid-19.

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After listening to these five excellent tracks, I am glad that the SnapDibz project continued on despite the departure of one member; these songs are striking examples of modern hip-hop at its finest and I would advise you all to check SnapDibz out. You can check out SnapDibz on Spotify, YouTube and Reverbnation. We have top tracks for SnapDibz embedded below for your listening pleasure and make sure to keep an eye out for “Dead2Me” which drops on November 18!


Snapdibz, Category: Artist, Singles: Unbreakable, Beakers, Dirty Lo, The Climb, Levels, Top Tracks: Unbreakable, You and I, Master Plan, The Climb, Dreaming, Biography: SnapDibz is a producer and songwriter/lyricist duo based in the Chicago area.


By Small Ruin - Like Heaven
