Forever Forward - Peace Be Still

Forever Forward is a vocal ensemble formed by Kevin Brightman and his friend Derek Gibbs. With Brightman and Gibbs as chief songwriters, the group performs music that spans genres like R&B, Blues and Jazz to create their own unique footprint within the music industry. Today we are excited to share our thoughts on Forever Forward’s song “Peace Be Still” from their 2009 album All Is Well.

“Peace Be Still” opens with a brief inspirational spoken word segment that helps set the tone of the track as a whole; I found great value in this introduction, especially the more I listened to the song. Unsurprisingly, the true highlight of “Peace Be Still” is in the vocal performances with fantastic harmonies truly stealing the show. In the end, I think that the delivery of the song’s message is straightforward in a very tasteful way and I really feel as though this track has massive appeal because it is so richly melodic.

Forever Forward has done great things with their music and they are a group worth checking out. I feel it is noteworthy to mention that, in addition to composing and performing music, Kevin Brightman also offers free piano tutorials on his YouTube channel so you can learn from one of the masterminds behind this group. You can listen to and purchase “Peace Be Still” along with the entirety of All Is Well by clicking here or checking out the “my songs” tab on Brightman’s website and we have the song embedded below via Spotify!




Terry Blade - Neo Queer