Heartakeher - Shake It

Heartakeher is a Hip-Hop/rap artist who is ready to take the scene by storm. With almost 200000 listens on his debut single, this artist can be best summed up simply as a sleeping giant. Today we are excited to share our thoughts on Heartakeher’s single, titled “Shake It”!

“Shake It” is an awesome track that does a great job of introducing us to what Heartakeher and his music is all about. The song starts off strong; I love the repeated use of the line “shake it” at the beginning of the song - it really introduces us to what is to come. Once Heartakeher’s flow kicks in, things really get going and the track reaches its zenith. I found the arrangement and production of the backing instrumental to be extremely interesting and quite different from what I expected going in; it really supplies the song with extra layers that helps Heartakeher’s vocals shine.

Calling Heartakeher might just be an understatement; this artist has already accomplished a lot through “Shake It” and could very well be on the cusp of true stardom. You can keep up with Heartakeher on Instagram and as always we have “Shake It” embedded below - check it via Spotify!


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