Introducing JayWild

JayWild is a music artist originally from Austin, Texas and currently based in Los Angeles, California. Having made music for over three years now, this artist brings something special to the table with each new release. Today we are excited to share some introductory thoughts on JayWild’s music!

We listened to a few songs from JayWild for this article and “Dancing in the Dark” was definitely my favorite; this song is incredibly catchy and has some strong lyrics that help the whole experience come together in an awesome way. “Bang Bros” goes hard while “Drift King” is extremely articulate with some really fun lyrics. Truly, I would be remiss if I did not mention that “Where I Go” and “She Get Freaky” are also great songs in their own right.

JayWild’s music is something you are going to want to experience firsthand and I hope that the tracks we highlighted in this article serve as a great jumping on point for your listening experience. You can keep up with JayWild through Instagram and find music through Apple Music, Spotify and SoundCloud. Speaking of Spotify, we have JayWild’s top tracks embedded below!


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