Jonathan William Wolf - Double Negative

Jonathan William Wolf is a talented music artist. Inspired by folk artists like Bob Dylan, Wolf’s music shares a familiar “quest for something bigger” within his music. Today we are excited to share our thoughts on Jonathan William Wolf’s single, “Double Negative”!

“Double Negative” is a genre-blending, relatable song with a positive meaning. Instrumentally, the track is driven by a piano and tight rhythm section, providing a solid foundation. The song’s relatively simple chord progression does well to set the table for the vocals, which take center stage; lyrically the song starts out with Wolf sharing his unfulfilled desires before building into a positive, hopeful message. I can hear Folk, Indie and even Emo vibes within this song and I couldn’t help but be reminded of the band They Might Be Giants while listening.

Interestingly, Jonathan William Wolf is still trying figure out his image and how to best represent himself in the music industry; what I can tell you without a doubt about this artist is that he creates some excellent music that is very enjoyable to listen to. Of note is that “Double Negative” was the first song that Wolf took to the studio and its production quality definitely benefitted from that - my hope is that he continues to release such well-polished tracks. We have “Double Negative” embedded below - be sure to check it out and explore the rest of Wolf’s music on SoundCloud!


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