Junya Komori - Forgotten Island | KJ Warriors’ Sound

Junya Komori is an exceptional music composer from Japan. Komori is an artist we have covered a lot here at Which Coast and this artist is known for his emotive, epic pieces. Today we are excited to share our thoughts on Junya Komori’s latest album, Forgotten Island!

Forgotten Island is comprised of many short but awesome songs. The album begins with a song that has quite a foreboding title, “Beginning to the Hell”, and this track features an equally foreboding melody to it. Indeed, this track feels like the beginning of a journey through the gates of Hell - and it is only just the start. “Battle Choir” is up next and puts forth some great use of genuine choir elements to get its point across. “History” follows and strikes some extremely nostalgic chords. Throughout this song we are treated to some awesome percussion elements which definitely stand out as a highlight.

The fourth song from Forgotten Island is “Legend” and wow, what a song. This song plays like the soundtrack to the recounting of an epic tale about a hero whose story became legend which perfectly illustrates how Junya Komori is able to effortlessly capture themes within his music. Following is “Braver” which packs in a lot of Komori’s trademark epic style. The piano outro at the end really hits home and leaves a lasting impact. “A Falktale” is the sixth song and is one of the most richly textured songs from the album. This track really provides a rich experience and is one that you will not want to miss at any cost.

Seventh from Forgotten Island is “Trust My Sword” which is also the shortest song of the album, coming in at fifty-six seconds. A heroic theme, this song is quite inspiring and is a real treat to listen to. “Conflict” is eighth and contrasts against the previous song as the longest on the album at two minutes and eight seconds. When I think about Junya Komori and his ability to compose toward a theme, this is the kind of song I think of; epic guitar and horns are absolutely show-stopping. “Elder’s Wood” follows and it has a deep layer of emotion to it. Komori really puts a dazzling display of reverence for the titular Elders forward in this song. “Ancient Civil” is the tenth song and it has a primal nature, truly befitting of its title. This track piggybacks off of the emotions presented in “Elder’s Wood” and really drives them home - leaving a meaningful impact.

“Battle Angel” is up next which is one of the most unique and energetic songs I have heard from Junya Komori and his KJ Warriors’ Sound before. This song feels like video game boss music and is absolutely enthralling to listen to. “One More Say Adventure” is the penultimate track from Forgotten Island and has some awesome vibes to it. I really enjoy the energy presented within this song and it definitely hits home. Closing out the album is “For the Journey” which feels like a deep, enriching prologue. When Komori started to branch out from his epic style, this is the kind of sound I knew he could accomplish; this song is deeply meaningful and very easy to enjoy as it finishes out the album.

Although most of the songs on this album are less than two minutes in length - eleven of the thirteen to be exact - this album is full of a range of emotions and different energies that really make it a true joy to listen to. Be sure to check out the KJ Warriors’ Sound website, Twitter, Facebook and you can find more music through YouTube and Spotify. We have the entirety of Forgotten Island embedded below - check it out!


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