Junya Komori - Warriors | KJ Warriors’ Sound

Junya Komori is an exceptional music composer from Japan. A longtime favorite on our site, Komori’s music is exceptional and features a broad appeal that really makes each and every song he releases quite enjoyable. Today we are excited to share our thoughts on Junya Komori’s latest album, the eight-song release titledWarriors!

Warriors begins with “The North” and this track feels like the beginning of a long and epic adventure. I feel like this song is a great opener because of how much it feels designed to set up the rest of the album. This track is truly tactful and subdued and has a nature about it that I love. “Evolve”, the shortest song from the album, follows and it is a wild adventure. A hectic and somewhat chaotic piece, this song has a certain fervor to it that makes it extremely interesting and memorable. “Eden” is the third track and its melodramatic, melancholy nature plays like the soundtrack to mankind’s fall from Eden. I really felt like this song truly stands out in the best ways.

“One of Fantasia” is the fourth track from Warriors and it features a chilling opening with a vocal chorus before building into something more powerful. I really, really like how this one starts in such a meaningful way before showcasing some of Junya Komori’s trademark epic style. “Hero Will Never Die” is the longest song from Warriors and features some extremely creative experimentation. I feel like this song features Komori at his finest; here, the composer is using his trademark epic style but is building off of it, going beyond the spectrum of something that is just epic alone. “Equalized” follows and it is perhaps the most unique song we have heard from Komori yet. Indeed, this song feels quite a bit different from pretty much anything that came before it, both on this album and otherwise, and it stands as one of note because of that.

The penultimate song from Warriors is “Thor”, which truly captures the essence of the God of Thunder himself. An epic, powerful and moving piece, this song may be the strongest one on the entire album and its nature is constantly evolving throughout its entire runtime. This song is a stirring example of the kind of music Junya Komori is gravitating towards creating and it really shines as a result. Closing out Warriors is “Rough Ocean” and wow - what an incredible closing piece this is. This song has a completely different energy about it than pretty much anything I have heard from Komori yet, though it takes his signature epic style and cranks it up to something a level higher.

I feel like Warriors stands as a step in a different direction for Junya Komori and his KJ Warriors’ Sound - something I believe is quite exciting. This album is quite unlike his previous releases in many ways, though it still holds true to the high quality we have come to expect from this talented composer and artist. Komori’s use of a prevailing theme that echoes throughout the album is truly special and his execution of maintaining that theme throughout the entire album offers up an extremely valuable listening experience. Be sure to check out the KJ Warriors’ Sound website, Twitter, Facebook and you can find more music through YouTube and Spotify. We have Warriors embedded below!


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