Kung Fu Hippies - Northwoods Boy

Kung Fu Hippies is a Twin Cities-based rock band. Known for the way in which they capture Minnesota Americana through their music sound, Kung Fu Hippies have been together since the year 2000 and the group has only grown stronger in the years since. Today we take an advance listen to Kung Fu Hippies’ new single, “Northwoods Boy”, which is due out early this year.

“Northwoods Boy” is a track that has a strong roots-y, Americana vibe that shares some kinship with folk music. Lyrically, the song has some coming of age vibes, mixed with a folk hero style description of the titular “Northwoods Boy” which give the track something akin to a feeling of rooted mysticism and intrigue - a true American tale. Instrumentally, the bass drives the instrumental portion of the track with an absolute ear pleaser of a bassline, though all of the instruments serve their role in an extremely balanced and enjoyable way. Overall, “Northwoods Boy” is a top to bottom master class on how to deliver a modern Americana-style song.

Kung Fu Hippies really bring a unique perspective and approach to their grounded and honest music. You can keep up with Kung Fu Hippies on Facebook and Instagram and find more music on Spotify and YouTube. “Northwoods Boy” is due out in the near future so keep an eye out; for the time being, be sure to check out the top tracks for Kung Fu Hippies which we have embedded below! Here is the Spotify pre-save link: https://show.co/MA1l2CU


Kung Fu Hippies, Category: Artist, Albums: Rocktopus (Live), Top Tracks: Run Run Rudolph, That One Song (It Seems to Me) [Live], Sitting in Limbo (Live), One More Saturday Night (Live), It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry (Live), Monthly Listeners: 57, Where People Listen: Minneapolis, Saint Paul, Chicago, Hopkins, Washington


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