Larry Jay - Worldwide Party Day

Larry Jay is a Country-Pop singer, originally from New York but currently living in California. Jay started writing music “to set [his] soul free” and it really shows in the passion and dedication he has to his craft. In addition to his music career, Jay volunteers at VA hospitals and addiction recovery centers, truly a noble use of his free time. Today we dive into Larry Jay’s latest single, “Worldwide Party Day”.

“Worldwide Party Day” is, at its core, a song full of hope. The track as a whole is party-country at its best, truly providing something easy to vibe to. Through the song’s lyrics, Larry Jay does an excellent job of capturing the frustration most of us have experienced while living under COVID-19 related restrictions while also singing his hopes of a day to celebrate the end of these days soon to come. I really appreciate how Jay stresses the importance of waiting until everyone is immune to have this worldwide party day - a day that seems is finally coming sooner than later - and this track is truly a light at the end of the dark tunnel that has been this past year.

Through “Worldwide Party Day”, Larry Jay has given us an anthem for the end of the COVID-19 pandemic - something the world probably needs right now. You can keep up with Larry Jay through his website, Instagram, Twitter and his Facebook - where he often Livestreams. Be sure to check out his music on Spotify as well. We have “Worldwide Party Day” embedded below - take a listen and let’s look forward to a post-COVID-19 future together!

I hope the whole world can celebrate after the pandemic is over


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