Pete Miller - The Raven & The Dove

Pete Miller is a music artist who is originally from Connecticut and currently based in Pennsylvania. This blue-collar worker turned music artist is known for his genuine Country-Folk music, even drawing comparisons to a modern day Johnny Cash. Previously, we checked out Miller’s single, “A Light Out There” and today we are back to listen to “The Raven & The Dove”!

Yet another phenomenal single from Pete Miller, “The Raven & The Dove” is simple in many ways but showcases Miller’s artful, genuine lyrics in a bright light. I found this song to be especially engaging with each line Miller sings leading into the next in a way that made me really care about what he was going to say next (I often look at lyrics as a whole for the entire song and not line-by-line as this song encourages). Simple, stripped-down performing suits Miller’s vocal and lyrical styles perfectly and, wow - this song is special.

I really enjoy how Pete Miller’s music is so richly down to Earth, feeling representative the working class - people who do not always seem to have a unified, powerful voice these days. Make sure you keep up with what Pete Miller is doing through his Facebook page and we have “The Raven & The Dove” embedded below!


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