School of the Americas - Porsche Cayenne

School of the Americas is an American music producer specializing in the sounds of experimental noise, plunderphonics and post-vaporwave. In addition to this artist’s music career, they are also a professional glassblower based in Oakland, California. Today we are excited to share our thoughts on School of the Americas’ single, “Porsche Cayenne”!

“Porsche Cayenne”, named for the splendidly designed German luxury crossover, comes in at three minutes and sixteen seconds in length. Featuring a radio-shifting structure and an experimental style, I think that anyone who listens to this song will be entranced by its intriguing nature. The way it morphs into a deep noise-filled conclusion contrasts very well with its attention-grabbing earlier moments. This song feels like it has massive multi-purpose usage; I envisioned portions of it as an Adult Swim bumper, commercial jingle and standalone song - just, wow!

School of the Americas is clearly doing some amazing things with their music and I am eager to dig in a bit deeper to explore more. “Porsche Cayenne” is the kind of song that will make you think a bit and it is undoubtedly one of the more interesting songs I have come across lately. We have “Porsche Cayenne” embedded below via SoundCloud - check it out!


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