Skysonix - Solar

Skysonix is an EDM producer who is based in Denver, Colorado who entertains with her Drum & Bass sound. An artist from a young age, Skysonix is often working on artistic projects across a broad spectrum of mediums and her artistic talent shines through in all of those projects. Today we are excited to share our thoughts on Solar, the new EP from Skysonix!

“Epoch” kicks Solar off and it is pure pulse-pounding pleasure. This song captures the feel of riding around at night, with the wind blowing in your face; it certainly gives off impressive energy. “Chronos” follows and starts off with some super spacey vibes before really erupting. Have you ever wondered what pulling a bank heist in outer space would sound like? I feel like “Chronos” plays as the soundtrack to what I imagined as an Ocean’s 11 in space; the beginning of the song is the planning stage, from about a quarter to halfway through everyone is getting into position and starting to make their move, the next section is the tense part where the safe is being cracked and the ending is that mad dash to your escape ship to make off with the goods. It’s awesome to picture it this way! The title track, “Solar”, closes out the EP and the way this song pulses forward reminds me of a heartbeat. If “Chronos” is my space heist song, “Solar” is the soundtrack to cruising through space, just enjoying the ride.

If it’s been awhile since you have taken in some Drum & Bass like it has been for me, then let me be the first to tell you, Solar is a great jumping-back-on point as these three songs reminded me of just how much fun this genre can be. This spacey EP provides an unforgettable listening experience the fervent melodies presented in this songs will take your mind on a fast-paced journey through a universe of soundscapes created by Skysonix.

You can keep up with Skysonix through Twitter and Instagram and you can find more music through Spotify, SoundCloud, Bandcamp and YouTube. In addition, make sure you check out ChromaSonic Studios, a creative services studio that Skysonix runs with her partner, if you are in need of some creative collaboration! We have Solar embedded below via Bandcamp but you can find these songs on all of Skysonix’s music pages!


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