Sovereign Universalist - Four Atmos

Doug McCluskey, known by the aliases Acid Daddy, Douglas McCluskey and The Sovereign Universalist, is an Indiana-based music producer. Known for his recordings on legendary Pork recordings, McCluskey has recently dropped a new single as The Sovereign Universalist and we are excited to share our thoughts on that song, “Four Atmos”!

“Four Atmos” comes in at exactly five minutes in length and it is quite an intriguing song in a natural and enjoyable way. This track has a noticeable alluring mystique to it that not only draws you in from its opening moments but also keeps you coming back to listen to the song over time; at least, that is how it worked out for me. I have a strong appreciation for the layering techniques used within this song and its overall production is absolutely on-point, truly helping to make this song truly memorable.

I found myself quite impressed by “Four Atmos” and I cannot wait to explore music from Doug McCluskey - under all of his aliases including this one, Sovereign Universalist! Check out McCluskey’s Discogs page for more information on his previous releases. We have “Four Atmos” embedded below via Spotify - check it out!


Phinyx - Bad Girls


Ralfiz - For Sure