Stephen Jacques - James River Swim

Stephen Jacques is a talented frontman from Richmond, Virginia whose music is on the rise. Known for his collaboration with producer and multi-instrumentalist Alan Weatherhead, the music Jacques creates is exceptional, filled with the kind of passion that makes it truly shine. Today we take a dive into Stephen Jacques’ track, “James River Swim”, from the album Soul Hydraulics.

“James River Swim” is a mid-tempo and well-textured track that gives us a look at what makes Stephen Jacques’ music such a natural force. Both acoustic and electric guitars layer incredibly well with each other, teaming with on-point percussion to deliver a brilliant foundation for Jacques to sing over. In terms of vocal performance, this track features female backing vocals that accompany the track perfectly, contrasting with Stephen Jacques’ own vocals in a way that makes both of their singing talents even more obvious. My favorite part of this track is how Jacques tells a story through his lyrics, bringing the song to life in a grounded and relatable way.

Stephen Jacques brings something truly special to the table with his music and his partnership with producer Alan Weatherhead has done nothing but help his natural talent come through. If you want a soulful, grounded experience, look no further than Stephen Jacques and the tunes he crafts! Be sure to keep up with Stephen Jacques through Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and his website. We have “James River Swim” embedded below!


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