Sun King Rising - No. 6 Magnolia Avenue

Sun King Rising is a musical experience provided by Port Isabel, Texas recording artist and biomedical scientist John Blangero. We have previously checked out Sun King Rising’s single, “Free Will In China Blue” and today we are excited to share our thoughts on “No. 6 Magnolia Avenue”!

“No. 6 Magnolia Avenue” is a truly fantastic song. This song is truly an experience with a richly textured backing instrumental that is sure to keep you engaged throughout the track’s backing instrumental. This instrumental combines perfectly with a melodic vocal performance from Blangero; this brilliant combination makes this song extremely memorable and one that is a lot of fun to revisit - it even has a callback to the song we previously checked out from Sun King Rising, “Free Will In China Blue”!

I was left quite impressed by “No. 6 Magnolia Avenue” and you will be too. You can keep up with Sun King Rising through Facebook and their website and you can also learn more on the PeacockSunrise artist page for this artist. Check out the Bandcamp page (we have this song embedded below) to pre-order Sun King Rising’s upcoming album Signs and Wonders which features “No. 6 Magnolia Avenue”!


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