The Jorgensens - Voo Doo

The Jorgensens are a band who transcend genres. Their music always comes off as soulful and tactful; a mix of both the groups’ skills and intent that creates a desirable and distinctive sound, full of southern folk/rock grit and energy. Today we take a look at The Jorgensens’ excellent single, “Voo Doo”, from the album The Lexington Stretch.

“Voo Doo” has strong Southern Rock overtones; the track feels like something straight out of the bayou, full of all of the grit and soul one could expect from such music. This expertly written and performed track captures the essence of voodoo magic while showcasing how one might feel while hexed by voodoo. Although this message may just be an allegory, it is easy to tell it comes from a legitimate place; the vocals reflect the lyrics as being a truly personal experience which helps relay a relatable message. Overall, “Voo Doo” stands as an excellent track to introduce yourself to The Jorgensens and their bayou-fueled sound.

“Voo Doo” is a brilliant song and excellent intro to The Jorgensens and their southern-filled sound. The track represents a great deal of southern spirit and energy and reflects the groups’ experience well. Be sure to check out The Jorgensens’ Spotify and website to listen to more tracks and learn more about this group. As always, we have “Voo Doo” embedded below - take a look and listen!

The Jorgensens - Voo Doo (The Lexington Stretch) VOO DOO Creole woman won't you hear my plea I need some black cat magic they say you're the queen I traveled...


The Jorgensens - In The Dark


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