Third Development - Echoes

Third Development is a band featuring lead member Geoffrey James. Featuring a diverse roster of guest artists, Third Development releases music inspired by 80’s Synth and 90’s Electronica to create music with an optimistic and hopeful sound. Today we are excited to share our thoughts on Third Development’s single, “Echoes”!

“Echoes” is an extremely atmospheric track that has a very captivating nature. Indeed, this song features areas of intrigue and mysticism, blended seamlessly into a well-built atmospheric instrumental which is itself rich with texture. Through “Echoes”, it is easy to get a good listen to how Third Development blends 80’s and 90’s music; the instrumental feels like a beautiful fusion of both eras of music while the vocal performance is pure 90’s bliss. As longtime readers of the site know, I am a big fan of most 80’s and 90’s music so to hear such a wonderful mashup of these eras of music makes me really enjoy “Echoes”.

I cannot express how simply cool I find Third Development’s music to be. This band really hits a spot for me that a lot of artists cannot fill and I think you will get a lot out of listening to “Echoes”. You can keep up with Third Development through their website and Instagram. We have “Echoes” embedded below for your listening pleasure - check it out!


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