Working Class Hussys - White Lady

Working Class Hussys is an Americana-Rock Band led by multi-instrumentalist Ian Patrick Gentles. We have previously checked out an awesome single from this act, “Elaine”, a truly powerful effort. Today we are excited to share our thoughts on Working Class Hussys’ upcoming single, “White Lady”, which is due for release on July 1, 2022!

“White Lady” is a longer piece, coming in at a total of five minutes and ten seconds. Throughout the track’s duration we are treated to some extremely rich textures in the instrumental and an equally rich vocal performance. What stuck with me the most after listening to this song is its all-encompassing Americana feel; from top to bottom, it has a truly hearty, authentic feel to it that is unmistakably Americana in its finest form - as well as Working Class Hussys in their finest form.

I feel like “White Lady” is another phenomenal addition to this band’s catalog. Make sure you keep up with Working Class Hussys through their website, Facebook and Instagram. Keep your eyes peeled for “White Lady” to release on July 1 and in the meantime, check out Working Class Hussys’ top tracks on Spotify embedded below!


Richy Snyder - Strangers in the Night


Jeremy Keianté - Wonder