Adam Briscoe - Bonfire

Adam Briscoe is an Acoustic music artist based in Vancouver, Britich Columbia. Briscoe is known for his own unique, blended brand of acoustic music that you can easily tell comes straight from the artist’s heart. Today we are excited to share our thoughts on Adam Briscoe’s newest single, “Bonfire” which is Briscoe’s first new release following his debut EP Something Here.

From the opening acoustic chords of “Bonfire”, it is easy to tell that this is a special song with a special kind of energy. The track has a building nature, starting slowly with just acoustic guitar accompanying Briscoe’s vocals but as the song progresses more instruments join the show, bringing the entire song - and Briscoe’s lyrics - to life in a new way, all the while adding a rich texture. What stands out to me the most is Adam Briscoe’s singing voice; Briscoe is able to convey an incredible amount of emotion in such a natural, authentic way, truly making his music extremely powerful.

From start to finish, “Bonfire” is an excellent track and, as the first track I have heard from Adam Briscoe, is an excellent introduction to this talented artist. In addition to this new single, Briscoe also has his debut EP Something Here to listen to. You can keep up with Adam Briscoe through Facebook and Instagram and make sure you check out more of Adam’s music via Spotify. We have “Bonfire” embedded below - take a listen!


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