Junya Komori - Epic Fantasy Emotional & Powerful Music - Emotional Highness

Junya Komori is a music composer who is currently living in Japan. Known for his genre-bending compositions, Komori releases music under his label, KJ Warriors’ Sound; Komori is also a multi-instrumentalist and even edits his own videos for his music. Today we are excited to share our thoughts about Komori’s latest release which is a truly invigorating and emotional piece of music!

Despite its short runtime of just one minute and forty-five seconds, this track covers an incredibly high amount of emotional ground. A heroic sounding tune, I found myself transported to another world, witnessing an epic heroes’ journey while listening to this song; the song stands on its own extremely well and I could also see it used as film or video game score, showing the diverse level of enjoyment to be found within. Truly a spirited and epic release, this composition stands as a brilliant introduction to Junya Komori’s incredible songwriting/composing talent if you, like me, hadn’t heard any of this artist’s music before now.

In the end, this track truly represents the title Komori provided for it: “Epic Fantasy Emotional & Powerful Music - Emotional Highness”. It is easy to experience many emotions while listening and the fact that it really has that epic feel is awesome. You can keep up with Junya Komori through Komori’s website, Twitter, Facebook and you can find some more epic music through YouTube. Enjoy Komori’s latest masterpiece which we have embedded below!


Adam Briscoe - Bonfire


Six Time Losers - What’s Left