Bang Bang Rouge - Lost My Mind

Bang Bang Rouge is a Dark Pop, Rock, Gothic and Ambient music artist from Stockholm, Sweden. Putting a fresh spin on contemporary Pop music, Bang Bang Rouge truly has the style - and talent - to be an up and coming breakthrough artist. Today we take a listen to Bang Bang Rouge’s track, “Lost My Mind” from the EP Fall From Grace.

Coming in at three minutes and thirty-six seconds, “Lost My Mind” is a track with gloomy lyrical content and a backing track to match. Lyrically, we are taken through a hopeless and lost experience and the vocals and instrumental portion of the track really build on that vibe. A piano features as the instrumental portion of the track’s driving force, pulling its weight throughout the song by quite literally striking emotional chords. What impressed me most about “Lost My Mind” was the blend of genuine sounding vocals and lyrics with the exceptionally catchy melody, truly selling that the song is coming from a personal place with its well-polished presentation.

Overall, Bang Bang Rouge really has the type of sound that is destined to go over well in today’s radio landscape; you can hear some slight shades of Billie Eilish, Lorde and Adele in Bang Bang Rouge’s sound but at the same time, there is also plenty of new and uncharted ground that this artist is covering - and that is something to be excited about. You can find Bang Bang Rouge on Bandcamp, Facebook and Twitter and as always we have “Lost My Mind” embedded below!

Track #3 from the EP "Fall From Grace". Available on Bandcamp and all digital streaming sites. Artis...


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