Distrxct - Do It To It (Remix)

Distrxct is an underground hip-hop artist. Sporting his trademark balaclava, Distrxct is known for his exceptionally powerful vocals. Notably, this artist does not consider himself a rapper because of the experimental approach he takes to his music which is something that sets him apart in the hip-hop scene. Today we are excited to share our thoughts on Distrxct’s remixed song, “Do It To It”!

This remixed version of “Do It To It” is truly outstanding in terms of its presentation and overall sound. This track is exceptionally easy to dance along with and the way the beat lines up with the rest of the instrumental portion of the song makes it feel like this song has a living pulse. One of the aspects of “Do It To It” I found myself really enjoying is how we get a taste of Distrxct’s experimental choices and genre-blending through an EDM-based lens; it is through experimentation where I feel Distrxct really shines and as long as he continues to push his sound forward, I believe we are destined to hear more excellent songs like this one.

I feel like Distrxct has a very distinctive style and that really comes to the forefront while listening to “Do It To It” - and I must say I am quite impressed by the range of talent this artist has. You can keep up with Distrxct through Instagram and you can also keep up with his representation, Legal Lyfestyles Enterprises through their website. We have “Do It To It” embedded below via Spotify!


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