Margarita Shamrakov - The Greatest Love Story Ever Told

Margarita Shamrakov is a native of Ukraine and long time resident of New York City, New York and is an award winning singer/songwriter, accomplished musician and educator. Shamrakov utilizes a variety of genres within her music, featuring sounds from genres like Pop, EDM and Classical; she blends this with imagery and clever wordplay within her lyrics to craft truly one of a kind tracks. Today we are excited to take a listen to Margarita Shamrakov’s song, “The Greatest Love Story Ever Told”.

“The Greatest Love Story Ever Told” opens with some beautiful piano strokes from Margarita Shamrakov; the piano and Shamrakov’s vocals carry the song throughout its duration. From a vocal standpoint, Shamrakov’s performance is melodic and moving, serving up the lyrics in a way that makes their meaning easy to take in. Lyrically, Shamrakov’s words seem to come from a personal place, giving the track a lot of meaning and adding to the power presented by her vocal vocal performance. From start to finish, this song is both beautiful and personal - which I think does a wonderful job of showing us Margarita Shamrakov’s diverse skillset.

In the end, Margarita Shamrakov is an exceptionally talented artist and I really enjoy “The Greatest Love Story Ever Told” in its entirety. It is refreshing to hear heartfelt and authentic music like this and Shamrakov’s presentation is phenomenal. You can keep up with Margarita Shamrakov through Instagram and we have “The Greatest Love Story Ever Told” embedded below via YouTube!


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