ET Boys - Long Night

ET Boys is a music duo featuring the talents of brothers Tacboy and Sharkeyes. Tacboy provides vocals and writes the lyrics while Sharkeyes is the duo’s songwriter and composer. We have previously taken a listen to the group’s song called “Sober” and today we are excited to share our thoughts on ET Boys’ new single, “Long Night”, which was released on November 12, 2021!

Melodic and meaningful, “Long Night” showcases the best of the talent that ET Boys feature in their music. The track features live horns by Ron Haynes and Game Changers which adds some impressive jazzy textures to the track that really add a certain level of intrigue to the instrumental portion of the song. I really enjoy how smooth the vibes that this song gives off are; not only does this give off a pleasant listening experience, it also shows the range that ET Boys are capable of with their compositions. From start to finish and top to bottom, this is one outstanding song that is really a fun listening experience.

As this is the second song we have heard from ET Boys, I feel like I can say this pretty definitively: this duo is extremely special and they are destined for a big rise to top. You can learn more about Wake Up! Music and the artists they represent, including ET Boys, through their website and Facebook. We have “Long Night” embedded below for your listening pleasure!


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