Lorelei Roux - Unstoppable w/Interview

Lorelei Roux is a Gen X Girl Artist from the United States. An artist who sees life as a series of quests, Roux uses written and spoken word in folkloric, historical, lyrical and poetic ways; they are her navigational tools. Today we are excited to share our thoughts on Lorelei Roux’s song, “Unstoppable”, as well as our interview with this talented artist - we hope you enjoy!

From the outset, “Unstoppable” is an absolutely delightful song that exhibits the natural sonic talents of Lorelei Roux. From a thematic standpoint, the tone of this song comes across as capturing the spirit of standing undaunted in the face of great peril, truly providing credence to the title Roux chose for this song. The message presented within this song invokes feelings of inspiration, hope and even a little euphoria; I could imagine hearing this song on the legendary lo-fi beats to study to playlist and the uplifting way it makes you feel can definitely help you perform some tasks that need some extra motivation to complete.

Now let’s jump into the interview!

Thank you so much for being with us today!

Very grateful to be with you!

How did you first become interested in music and who were some of your early influences/favorite artists?

I started playing guitar around age 4 then lost interest and came back to it around age 14. In grade school I played Saxophone in the school music band. In high school I moved on to jazz ensemble and played on percussion and drums and messed around with various other instruments. Earliest influences were of the 80s post punk and synth pop and country and western and hair metal… Now I listen to a lot of experimental and pop.

In addition to your work in music, you are also a healer and a writer. Can you share some more about your life outside of music with us?

Sure, I have written some books on spiritual enlightenment over the years under a pseudonym and as a healer I would say I am a wounded healer. I have had lots of trauma in this life experience that allows me to connect and empathize with others to help them on what may block them at that moment on their unique path, whatever that shall be for them.

What made you take the leap and begin your music career now?

Not so much a leap, I have had many different projects in the past with varying success, this time around I am really going back to my roots and using music as the voice to try and reflect my story. The album I have coming up is what I feel to be a capture of my ascension through regression.

"Unstoppable" is your debut release - can you tell us about the writing and recording process for this song?

This is a story of being beat down to a pulp and reaching into your gut and pulling out the last bit of spark to reignite the fire of hope and courage you need to persevere.

What's next for you?

“Unstoppable“ is the first release of my album titled “New and Improved” set for release on Dec 23, 2021. Next year I am working with some other artists on some collaborative projects, which I am looking forward to!

Thank you!

Thanks for having me!

After speaking with Lorelei Roux, I feel like we have a better understanding of her experience with music as well as the person behind the music. She also shared the meaning behind “Unstoppable” and reaffirmed the feeling of hope that I received while listening. I truly believe “Unstoppable” is the kind of song that will reach listeners on an emotional level and that really makes the song special. You can keep up with Lorelei Roux through her website and Twitter and we have “Unstoppable” embedded below via YouTube! You can also find the song on your favorite music service and we have links on where you can find “Unstoppable” below the video and keep an eye out for Lorelei Roux’s upcoming album, New and Improved!


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