Suave - African in London

Suave is an R&B and Hip-Hop urban MC who is based in the United Kingdom. Featuring an exceptionally smooth street style and sophisticated lyrics, this aspiring artist has all of the tools that he needs to make it big and his first mixtape is due for release in the near future. Today we are excited to share our thoughts on Suave’s awesome new single, “African in London”!

“African in London” is a a meaningful R&B song that showcases Suave’s diverse MC skillset in a positive light. Throughout the song, Suave’s repetition of the line “I’m just an African in London” serves as a very catchy hook and introduces the prominent melody featured within the song as a whole. Written from experience, Suave shares his personal journey through the song’s lyrics and the song is all the better for it - everything Suave feels like it has more meaning because of this approach. From a technical perspective, the song is well-produced and really brings together both the meaning and melody to form a complete picture.

As it stands, Suave has a real gem of a song in “African in London” and I cannot wait to hear more from him. You can keep up with Suave through Facebook and Twitter and find his music on SoundCloud and YouTube. We have “African in London” embedded below - make sure to take a listen and keep an eye out for the release of Suave’s mixtape which will be released on platforms like iTunes and Spotify when completed!


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