Ethan Davis - Colours

Ethan Davis is a singer/songwriter from Port Pirie, South Australia. A crafter of creative and catchy songs, Davis has recently released a Pop/Rock album called Stars Aligning. Today we are excited to share our thoughts on Ethan Davis’ single, “Colours”, from his recent album Stars Aligning!

“Colours” comes in at two minutes and fifty-three seconds and it is a phenomenal song. Ethan Davis shares some very relatable lyrics that contain a refreshing message within this song, showcasing his personability as a songwriter. From the bottom up, this song is massively catchy; the vocal melody is memorable and fun to sing or hum along with but even the rhythm of the instrumental portion of the track will stick with you long after your first time hearing it.

After listening to “Colours”, I really want to dive into the rest of Stars Aligning and I think you will want to check out both the song and album as well. You can keep up with Ethan Davis through his Facebook page. We have “Colours” embedded below via Spotify and you can also catch the song on YouTube!


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