Roberto Albano d'Alexàndria - La dança dels sords

Roberto Albano d'Alexàndria is a 29 years old pianist from Piedmont, Italy. A talented muis cartist, d'Alexàndria is also a promoter of the occitan language. Today we are excited to share our thoughts on Roberto Albano d'Alexàndria’s song, “La dança dels sords” from his debut EP of the same name!

“La dança dels sords”, which is occitan for “the dance of the deafs”, is just short of three minutes in length and it is quite captivating in nature. There is a real weight within the piano keys and the melodies being played have a strong overall presence and aesthetic. Despite strong and resonant emotions prevailing in this piece, it also feels a bit airy - an element that helps me feel emotions close to what I imagine d'Alexàndria intended for listeners of this piece.

Roberto Albano d'Alexàndria’s work on the full-length EP is to promote the occitan language, a regional language that spread from Piedmont to Catalonia and passed through Southern France. As such, all song names, including “La dança dels sords” are in occitan and I feel like this project gives good visibility to the language. We have “La dança dels sords” embedded below via YouTube and you can find the entire EP here - take a listen!


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