Far From Your Sun - Water for Osiris

Far From Your Sun is an expressive a rock/prog-rock/metal group whose members are anonymous. With a focus on art’s transcendent nature, this group likes combining their compositions with the work of artists from other mediums to craft a one of a kind, connective experience. Today we are excited to listen to Far From Your Sun’s song, “Water for Osiris”!

“Water for Osiris” comes in at nine minutes and seventeen seconds - the longest track we have reviewed so far this year - and from start to finish, this track will keep you hooked. The layered guitar work throughout the track provides brimming melodies while the backing instrumental is addictively rhythmic. Vocally, the track is also melodic, giving everything a very well-rounded feel. This song is based on Awakening Osiris: A New Translation of the Egyptian Book of the Dead by Ellis Normandy and Far From Your Sun uses the track’s long runtime to help get that point across.

Through “Water for Osiris”, you will get a glimpse into the awesome things that Far From Your Sun is doing with their music. The rises and falls of this song are special and, as a whole, the track made me want to hear more from this band. You can keep up with Far From Your Sun through Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and we have “Water for Osiris” embedded below!


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