Sora’s in Danger - The World Around Us Is Falling Apart w/Interview

Sora’s in Danger is a twenty year-old music artist from New York. A unique talent in the industry, Sora’s in Danger is poised to take the scene by storm. Today we are excited to share our thoughts on Sora’s in Danger’s new album The World Around Us Is Falling Apart as well as our interview with this talented artist!

The World Around Us Is Falling Apart opens with “Alright” which sets the tone extremely well. A vibe-filled track, “Alright” is a very emotional track that presents these emotions in a way that makes them easy to relate with. “Toxic” is the second track - the first of which that features a contribution from Sraid - and it has a very wide-reaching soundscape. Indeed, the backing track and Sora’s vocals here combine to create an experience that brings the lyrics to life. My favorite part of this song is the use of repeated words (i.e. “back back back”) during the verses which serves as a minor vocal hook that hits just right. At the third spot, “Tokyo Drift” changes things up a bit in terms of sound, approaching a more in-your-face style in both the lyrics and backing track. I really like the way this track makes you want to get up and move and it really fits its Fast and Furious inspired name. “Sunrise” is the fourth track from The World Around Us Is Falling Apart and it feels like a strong mixture of what the first three tracks sounded like. A very well-balanced approach serves the lyrics to this song well and helps everything really stick. I really felt the lyrics on a personal level as well and despite the heavy topics, enjoyed Sora’s excellent wordplay here. These first four tracks give us a look into the different styles that Sora’s in Danger incorporates into the music he creates and how awesome the soundscapes he is able to utilize are.

Fifth from The World Around Us Is Falling Apart is “Away”, which also features the second appearance of Sraid. An acoustic guitar dominates the backing instrumental which helps to build an emotive atmosphere that adds to a deeply moving track; its anti-drug message is powerful and strikes a deep note as well. “Wya” is up next and its naturally hooky nature makes it both catchy and memorable. Sora uses a very different style on this track but it really works, both as a song by itself and as a mid-album change of pace. “Back Then” is the seventh track and the way it starts slow before building into something more sets up its lyrical meaning so well; you just know from the start that it will be a sad song with feelings of longing and Sora executes that perfectly. It ends slow as well, allowing the point of the lyrics to hit home perfectly. Following at eighth is “Apart”, featuring Zateb, which jumps back into topics of drugs and losing your love, at least in part, because of that. Utilizing voicemails to help provide a different perspective in the music adds to the already depth-filled emotions that this track presents. “Give and Take” is ninth and I found myself easily getting lost in this track. In fact, I zoned out and vibed along with it the first few times I tried listening and writing down notes which I think is a testament both to how great this song sounds and feels. These middle five tracks all represent different, powerful emotions and encapsulate some different styles and vibes that all make up Sora’s in Danger’s overall approach to his music.

“Slide” is The World Around Us Is Falling Apart’s tenth song and all aspects of this song are absolutely on-point. The backing instrumental is an absolute banger while Sora’s rap bars are tailored perfectly to fit this instrumental; I found it easy to imagine driving down the highway blasting this song and I feel like it is radio ready. “Chrome Hearts (Hearts in Pieces) is up next and from the outset, its vocal layering makes it an addicting listening experience. The more you listen to this album, the more this track stands out for its excellent production and vocal performance - it is very easy to enjoy. “End of Our Song” is the penultimate track from the album and it is another hook-filled experience. Bordering on masterpiece, this track is absolutely filled to the brim with melody which will keep you coming back to it. Closing out The World Around Us Is Falling Apart is “Thanks to You” which has a vibe that incorporates a vibe that is reminiscent of most of the high points on the album. As a result, I think it is the perfect album finisher and it truly ends things on a strong note. These closing four songs illustrate just how much Sora’s in Danger shares of himself in this music as well as just how masterful his songwriting and performing skills are.

Now let’s jump into the interview!


Sora's in Danger is definitely a unique name. How did you come to start using that as your artist name?

Sora comes from Kingdom Hearts, my favorite game to play as a kid. Always knew I wanted to incorporate that with my artist name but never really knew how. In high school I was always depressed over past girls and I didn't know how else to cope with it, so I abused pills and lean everyday, and it helped but I always felt like I was gonna die from them. So my life was always in danger. Thats how "Sora's in Danger" came to me.

How did you get your start in music? Who are some of your influences or favorite music artists?

I got my start in music from producing at age 14, but I always knew I wanted to make music since I was like 6, I was just always fascinated with it. My influences are Drake and Juice WRLD, both goats in their own lanes. My favorite artists right now are Cochise, Trippie Redd, Juice, Drake, and Uzi.

What is your proudest achievement as a music artist?

My proudest achievement is where I'm at currently. I started off producing wanting to tap into the artist side but never knew how. When I was 15 this girl I was with told me I would never amount to anything with music, and part of me always wondered if she was right. At age 17 I dropped my first song, terrible song but it was the one that put me on. 3 years later I finally dropped my best work with this new album.

We've taken a listen to your new album The World Around Us Is Falling Apart. Can you share your writing and recording process for the album?

So I started writing the album in 2019, I really wanted something that separated me from other artists in the same genre but wasn't sure how. Originally the album was 20 songs long, I recorded about 80+ songs for the album, constantly cutting tracks or changing songs, I revised the track list hundreds of times, but I was never happy with it, always felt like something was missing, but never knew what. Well around October of 2021, this producer by the name of Vorontron hit me up and sent me some beats and thats when I found what I was missing. I recorded the entire album again, right from the beginning because I finally found my style after years of searching, the final album list was recorded in about a month or so, I don't write the traditional way, I freestyle all my songs. I come up with the melody and hook at the same time, record that then move on to the verse. I like it this way more because I talk about how I feel in the moment, its all real raw emotions, not something that was written down, something straight from the heart.

What's next for Sora's in Danger?

I'm working on the deluxe actually, that'll actually come very soon. Doing a collab album with Sraid. Another one with lil turbo. Music videos, looking for a new label, definitely wanna perform for this album and the deluxe. Can't wait for the future, 2022 is gonna be good.

After our interview, I believe we have important insight into the kind of artist Sora’s in Danger is and the kind of thoughts and effort that went into the creation and production of The World Around Us Is Falling Apart. I was glad Sora pointed out how he uses real, raw emotion in his music - it really shows with how relatable his words are. This album has a lot of high marks and I enjoyed its pacing a great deal; it showcases Sora’s in Danger’s talents in a very positive light and left me wanting to hear more. Sora’s in Danger raps about things and experiences that are important to him and it shows in the heart-filled spirit of his lyrics.

You can keep up with Sora’s in Danger through Twitter and Instagram. We have The World Around Us Is Falling Apart embedded below for your listening pleasure! We hope you enjoy the album as well as our interview with this awesome artist!


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