Four Great Songs From Youlanda Burnett

Youlanda Burnett is a singer/songwriter based in Chicago, Illinois. A songwriter for over twenty years across many genres, Burnett writes about whatever individual moments in her life present to her. Today we are excited to share our thoughts on four of Youlanda Burnett’s excellent singles!

The first song we listened to was “Ridgely Tennessee”, a touchingly heartfelt song. Indeed, this song’s lyrics are reflective and very personal, showcasing how Youlanda Burnett incorporates elements of her real life into her music. Additionally, this song is incredibly catchy (and will surely be stuck in your head) with a nice, smooth Pop finish in the production; this is an element that showcases Burnett’s vocal talent and songwriting ingenuity. Check it out:


Next, we checked out the aptly titled “Smooth & Sexy”. This song features a wonderful R&B/Pop vibe that makes it very easy to enjoy. Notably, the silky smoothness of this track is undeniable and its overall nature is very infectious. Something I noticed about the lyrics was that Burnett’s word choice makes very good use of imagery, really allowing the listener to buy in on the song’s meaning. Listen:


Up next, we listened to “Double Nickels”. From the opening notes of the acoustic guitar, this song had me absolutely sucked in. Instrumentally, a calm, honest soundscape prevails powerfully - led by the aforementioned acoustic guitar - providing a great foundation for Burnett’s vocals to shine. As is a recurring them, Burnett’s vocals are deeply powerful and again take a reflective approach as she questions and comes to accept her past decisions. You can listen below:


The final song we listened to this time around was “Rendezvous”. I feel like this song has a certain sweetness to it that allows it to stand out, even among the other great songs we listened to today. Burnett’s tender, genuine emotions are on display in this song, giving it a meaningful personal touch. I also really enjoyed how the electric guitar reprises the prevailing melody toward the end of the song, contrasting beautifully with Burnett’s vocals - truly standing out as the highlight of this song for me. Take a listen:


In the end, I must say that Youlanda Burnett is a very talented music artist whose years of experience shine through in the songs she releases. Her willingness to embrace multiple genres and share so much of herself within her music makes each song a special experience to listen to - a trait that not many artists share. We have Youlanda Burnett’s top tracks on Spotify - including some of the songs we checked out today -embedded below!




Brian Doucette - Day Drinkin