i Helvete - Sairaan Mielen Sinfonia
i Helvete is a Finnish extreme Metal band. Utilizing addictive moods and melodic, unconventional music, this group gives its listeners a glimpse into deep and immersive darkness. Today we are excited to share our thoughts on i Helvete’s song from their debut album, “Sairaan Mielen Sinfonia”!
“Sairaan Mielen Sinfonia” comes in at a hard rocking four minutes and thirty-nine seconds in length. The song’s lyrics are entirely in Finnish, though when translated are both deep and meaningful - definitely take the time to copy and paste into Google Translate when you are listening. Instrumentally, the song is well-served by a powerful rhythm section that works perfectly in unison with each other while the guitar work is absolutely electrifying in its own right.
I feel like the explosiveness of “Sairaan Mielen Sinfonia” is something that is easy to enjoy for anyone who likes heavier music and I am sure you all will thoroughly enjoy the listening experience it provides. We have “Sairaan Mielen Sinfonia” embedded below via Spotify and keep your eyes out for i Helvete’s second album to release later this year!