IAMMAG - I’m a Thot

IAMMAG is a hip-hop music artist from Lancaster, Pennsylvania in the United States. This artist has an undeniably unique approach to his music that makes the tracks he releases truly special compared to others in the hip-hop game. Today we take a dive into IAMMAG’s track, “I’m a Thot”, which also features the talents of Miyo Mayko.

“I’m a Thot” comes in at three minutes and nineteen seconds and the song is definitely enjoyable from start to finish. With some suggestive self-aware and tongue-in-cheek lyrics, IAMMAG effortlessly entertains with his words; he matches the tone of the lyrics with skillful rap bars that have excellent interplay with the backing instrumental, really making this song a complete hip-hop package. “I’m a Thot” is extremely easy to vibe along with and its less serious nature makes it an easy song to jump along with.

IAMMAG is a talented artist whose music is full of both life and creativity. “I’m a Thot” is a special track and I feel as the first song I have listened to from IAMMAG, it is also a strong introduction to the artist. You can keep up with IAMMAG through Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. You can find “I’m a Thot” here: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3drx8BWP2axbBtDVIu2oXa


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