JC++ - Entelechy

JC++ is an electronic music artist who has lived all over the United States, with stops including Chicago, Boston, San Francisco, and New York City. At the age of six, JC++ began learning music, initially playing bass guitar and piano before progressing into creating electronic music in his 30’s. Today we are excited to listen to JC++’s new album, Entelechy!

Entelechy opens with “One Zeno” and it grabs your attention from its opening moments. The bass synths in this track are incredibly fat and I love how whole and full they sound; the motif they present carries the track throughout the majority of its duration. My favorite part of “One Zeno” is layered textures as the song draws near its close - such great melodic work! “Pent Up Demand” follows and its dark soundscape creates a kind of foreboding and intentional atmosphere. While listening to this song, I can imagine a bleak future, filled with unfulfilled desires that I feel is really brought to life by the way this song feels. Up next is “Sin Prisa Sin Pausa” has a slower kind of vibe to it, taking a more relaxed kind of approach than the initial two songs from Entelechy. The mental image I had while listening to this song was of a deep green field as far as the eye can see, creating a lush landscape ready to be explored and enjoyed; this track has a soothing element to it but I also felt a yearning for adventure by the end of it. These first three songs show us both the rich diversity that JC++ features within his music and stunning examples of the lush soundscapes he can create.

The fourth track from Entelechy is “ABDH” and I feel as though this song is an absolute masterclass on rhythm. Indeed, as additional textures filter into the song, the mechanical precision featured within this song is brought to life more and more. As much as the first three songs from this album differ from each other, they all have common elements that weave them together; with “ABDH”, we experience more of a change of pace and I feel as though placing it in the middle of the album was the perfect choice. “Time “Is A Construct” is the fifth song on the album and it has a certain nature that feels extremely calculated, yet to me also featured feelings of hope and wonder. Perhaps the message of this song is that, while time is indeed a human construct, we can still manipulate that for our own devices - that is what I got out of it anyway. Closing out the album is “Fade Into Bushes” and I feel as though its reflective nature makes it the perfect song to finish Entelechy. The bass in the track is extremely groovy, intertwining with other melodic elements to make this track an absolute dream brought to life. These final three songs continue to show the talents of JC++ in a truly impactful way.

It took JC++ most of the past year to craft this album, spending from Spring until early Winter, and I feel like titling it Entelechy is quite symbolic; JC++ is quite literally bringing his potential to life through these songs and showcasing his talents in a meaningful way. Each of these songs is incredible on their own but are given additional meaning by being played together - I would suggest listening to this six-song album from start to finish, at least your first time through. Make sure you check out JC++’s Twitch channel to catch some livestreams. We have JC++’s Entelechy embedded below via SoundCloud and you can also catch it on this YouTube playlist.


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