Jimi Nix - Boogieman

Jimi Nix is a multitalented musician, vocalist and songwriter. Inspired by the sounds of rock through the ages, Nix only began his work as a musician, vocalist and songwriter about a year and a half ago - an incredible fact considering how impressive the music he released so far is. Today we are excited to take a listen to Jimi Nix’s boogie-woogie track, the aptly titled “Boogieman”.

“Boogieman” features a classic boogie-woogie setup with an excellent groove and plenty of boogie-woogie spirit. Upon my first listen, what stood out to me the most was just how hooky the instrumental portion of the track is; I had the overarching melody stuck in my head all throughout the next day. I also greatly appreciate the vocal melody and it is in the vocals where this track shines its brightest. Nix’s vocals are a bit low and slightly scratchy, a nice touch that mirrors some of the greats of boogie-woogie years gone by and the way the vocals are mixed makes Nix’s technique work phenomenally; I can just imagine “Boogieman” coming through an old transistor radio which gives it a truly authentic feel.

As it stands, “Boogieman” is one of the most fun tracks I have had the privilege to listen to this year and its throwback vibes are performed to perfection by Jimi Nix. In addition to writing, performing and singing, Nix is also the one who mixes and masters his music, truly showing us just how strong his love for music - and skill for songcrafting - is. You can learn more about Jimi Nix through his website and YouTube channel and we have “Boogieman” embedded below!


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