Jordan Rutland - Hey Girl

Jordan Rutland is a Singer/Songwriter from South London. Drawing influence from many different genres, Rutland’s sound is distinctively his own and it really shines through the music he releases. Today we are excited to share our thoughts on Jordan Rutland’s debut single, “Hey Girl”, from his upcoming EP, Love is Just the Tipping Point, released through B Side Recording!

“Hey Girl” is pretty straightforward but executes this approach amazingly well, utilizing an acoustic guitar and some light percussion to set the stage while Jordan Rutland’s vocals and lyrics are the true stars of the show. A sonically pleasing song, the vocals and acoustic guitar pair together perfectly and I was left impressed by how impressive the texturing in this song is despite having only a few elements. Indeed, this track is a brilliant debut for Jordan Rutland, in part because it shows how many intricate subtleties you can place in such a straightforward track.

After listening to “Hey Girl”, there is only one thing I can say: I am very excited to hear the rest of Love is Just the Tipping Point! Make sure that you keep up with what Jordan Rutland is up to through Instagram and Facebook so you can track any more potential single releases and stay tuned for the EP. We have “Hey Girl” embedded below - take a listen!


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