Junya Komori - Epic Powerful Heroic Music - Fearless of the Hero

Junya Komori is a music composer who lives in Japan. A genre-bending composer, Komori is known for creating epic soundscapes within his music and he is truly a one of a kind talent. We have previously listened to two of Komori’s epic songs which you can read about and listen to here and here. Today we take a listen to yet another great song from Junya Komori, we hope you enjoy!

During its opening moments, this song sets up tense and dramatic themes that have a certain foreboding atmosphere. As the song progresses, we are treated to an epic building nature that serves to add to the tension from the opening moments; featuring sounds that are reminiscent of both the medieval and fantasy genres, Komori is able to effortlessly set up a dramatic scene as the song plays out. This song plays like the soundtrack to a powerful hero preparing to square up in combat against an all-powerful villain and is an extremely impactful composition.

Junya Komori is a truly special composer and the music he releases through his KJ Warriors’ Sound label is always extremely powerful, epic and of the highest quality. Make sure to follow what Junya Komori is doing through his website, Twitter, Facebook and you can find some more music on his YouTube channel and Spotify. We have his latest epic song embedded below!


ByTheKnife - Revenge


H2SO4 - Crazy Bitch