Louise Cappi - Hope

Louise Cappi is a New Orleans-based singer/songwriter. Holding international acclaim, Cappi is the daughter of famed New York Jazz guitarist Al Cappi and she and her band have a residency at the Mahogany Jazz Hall in New Orleans.Today we take an advance listen to Louise Cappi’s song “Hope”, from her upcoming album of the same name which is due out this fall!

“Hope” is a stirring track with a relatively lengthy runtime of over five minutes. Lyrically, Cappi describes the meaning of the word hope and its deep importance to human nature. Cappi’s soulful voice really steals the show, feeling like a true throwback to the golden age of radio. Instrumentally, I was most drawn in by the bassline which really does an excellent job overall of driving the song forward, though the guitar and percussion work are also extremely solid. Truly, “Hope” is a complete package of emotion and this song does a great job of showcasing Louise Cappi’s skills.

Louise Cappi is an extremely talented artist who puts her soul into every track that she releases. “Hope” is a nuanced and meaningful song that I found easy to find personal meaning in and I hope that “Hope” is just a teaser for other songs to come. Keep an eye out for both “Hope” and the album it is coming from - also called Hope - which are both due for release later this year!

Hope (single cover).jpg

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