Luchi - Things He Handed Down w/Interview

Luchi is a music artist who grew up in Glasgow with his Italian family. A mould-breaking artist, Luchi is known for his mature approach to his lyrics as well as his soulful voice. Today we are excited to share our thoughts on Luchi’s single, “Things He Handed Down”, as well as our interview with this talented artist!

A stirring and striking song, “Things He Handed Down” is a soulful display from Luchi. Luchi’s vocals mesh perfectly with a piano-driven backing track, setting the deep mood this song contains. The lyrics in this song have a deep and important meaning, tackling feelings of trauma and hardship that a young Luchi experienced, reminding those who have experienced such feelings that they are not alone. Indeed, this song is one that will undoubtedly stick with you long after your first listening experience.

Now let’s jump into the interview!


Thank you for being with us today! To start off, can you tell us how you got your start in music?

It was a slow and steady start as I wanted to learn my craft before I started releasing music so I spent time in studios for about 7 years recording demos and learning the production side of things. Then after moving to London, I decided that the indie route was for me so I set up my own label and started releasing music independently. I had a lot of people try and mould me into things that I never wanted so I felt that it was better to carve my own way.

In addition to creating your own music, you also write for other artists - can you tell us about some of your experiences working with other artists and how your process differs between writing your own music and writing for others?

I love working with up and coming artists because I get to help them explore their feelings and pass on the knowledge that I gained from my years of learning. It differs as with my own material, I usually like to write alone as I can get my feelings out and be brutally honest with myself whereas if I am writing for someone else, my job is to make the artist comfortable to open up and share their story then help them craft it. I have a no shame, no judgement policy in my writing sessions so I always say, just throw anything you think out and we can work with it. I much prefer to be in the room or on a zoom call with the artist because you get a better feel for where they are at and I love a good chin wag so a good chat at the start of the call always breaks the ice. They can be like first dates, sometimes they work and sometimes they don’t but that’s alright, I always try make it enjoyable for the artist as I know what its like to be on the other side as well.

What do you consider your proudest accomplishment in music to date?

I think my proudest achievement is actually doing it and still going. I know a lot of people who give up because it takes a long time to establish yourself the old fashioned way without reality tv etc but I wanted to make sure that it was all about my music and didn’t want to rush the process. It means too much to me. No shade to anyone who does, it just wasn’t what I wanted as fame isn’t something I am chasing.

What can you tell us about "Things He Handed Down"? What does this song mean to you?

This song is actually one of my favourite so far as it came from such an authentic place and just flowed out of me, it was written in about 15 minutes and we haven’t changed it much from that initial demo. It was just one of those songs that clicked into place and was channeled through me I believe. It just flowed out of me and came from my inner child. It’s about generational abuse and trauma in families and explores the things that are handed down through generations and questions why this happens. When I listened back to the song the first time, I was so proud and felt really emotional for the child inside me. I have been able to work through a lot of my traumas and I feel this song is giving a voice to my inner child. This song is one that is from my inner child to any other person that suffered abuse and hopefully makes them feel less alone. I think I needed to write this song to help on my healing journey.

What's next for you?

Well there is a special something still to come with the song that I haven’t announced just yet but will be coming soon. Then I have lots more music coming this year, my next single is an uptempo banger which I can’t wait to get out there for the summer. I’m out in Los Angeles in August to write as well which I am excited about. I love it out there. Then I’ve always wanted to do a Christmas project so I think that I will try do that this year. I like to keep busy. Follow me on social media and you’ll be the first to hear what’s coming up and I also often leak demos on my instagram stories to get feedback so that’s always a nice bonus for my fans.

Thank you!

After the interview, I feel like we have a stronger understanding of Luchi, his accomplishments and his goals. I think that “Things He Handed Down” is a song to be proud of and I am glad that Luchi took the time to share his feelings - both in our interview and within the song itself. You can keep up with Luchi through Instagram and TikTok. We have “Things He Handed Down” embedded below via Spotify and you can find the song on your favorite platform here!


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