StoneCrown - The Memories Scent

StoneCrown is a Hard Rock/Sleaze Metal band. Formed in 2019, this band shares their obvious love of heavy, hard-rocking music with their fans as they tap into a 90’s-inspired sound. Today we are excited to share our thoughts on StoneCrown’s five-track EP, The Memories Scent!

The Memories Scent kicks off with “Invitation” which sets the tone for the EP brilliantly. An electrifying track, this one shows off the creative lyric writing and pulse-pounding energy that StoneCrown is capable of - a motif that is thankfully quite prevalent throughout the EP. Up next in the second slot is “Growing Seed”, a title befitting this track as it progressively grows throughout most of its duration; it starts heavy but slow, adding in instrumental complexities before taking off around the 2:08 mark, though it does slow down again toward the end, providing a fitting closing. I really love the pure ingenuity this song showcases and I enjoy the textured vibe this song provides.

“Too Shabby” is third from The Memories Scent and I found it to be the most intriguing song from the EP. The percussion really stands out in this song, carrying the track forward and serving as an interesting compliment to the vocals. “Take it Slow” has some flair that caught me a bit off guard and I thoroughly enjoyed the vocal theatrics in this track. I feel like this song is the strongest on the EP, showcasing each individual component of this band in a great way. “A Hole Inside” closes things out and its hard-riffing vibrancy serves as a great exclamation point. While I found “Take it Slow” to be the strongest objectively, subjectively “A Hole Inside” is my favorite of these five songs and it got me up and moving.

StoneCrown is a lot more than just a heavy, hard-rocking band and The Memories Scent shows off some genuinely inventive lyrics and catchy melodies in addition to the kind of enthralling sound you would expect from this group. Expert musicianship and entertaining vocals are ripe within this EP and I think you all will enjoy it immensely. You can keep up with StoneCrown through Instagram and we have the entirety of The Memories Scent embedded below via Spotify - take a listen!


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