Macabre Plaza - Macabre Plaza

“Macabre Plaza” is an EP stemming from a mysterious band of the same name. Not much information is out about Macabre Plaza (that I could find) besides that they are from Tucson, AZ. When listening to the album, the mysterious air about the band almost adds to the experience of listening to the songs. I worry that this is simply a one-off project and we may not see anymore from them, but fingers are crossed that I’m wrong.


Macabre Plaza hits a spot in my brain that I didn’t know I had or wanted. Occasionally you hear of songs and albums that make you feel nostalgic even if you’ve never heard it before and that was my experience in this. It has melodies that remind me of video game music, the obvious nod people call on is Animal Crossing, but I also hear some Bomberman-64 and a bit of Harvest Moon. The songs are very dreamy, and almost criminally too short. The song titles themselves are goofy but also set the tone for the song, previously I had only listened through the entire EP without seeing the song titles (the entire experience clocks in at just under 10 minutes.) Listening to the tracks again with the song titles gave me a different perspective that gave me even more value out of the experience.

If you’re looking for something that sounds like a beautiful amalgamation of The Beach Boys, Mac Demarco, and nostalgic Nintendo music look no further. I sincerely hope this isn’t the last we hear of this mysterious band but if it is I’m at least happy they left us with this.

Check out the EP on Spotify if you have it, otherwise, the YouTube video will be embedded below.


OK Go - All Together Now


Raymond Revel - Running from Reality