OK Go - All Together Now

OK Go is an American alternative rock band with an ever-evolving sound, often incorporating mixes of indie rock and pop into their sound in recent releases. The band released their new song, “All Together Now”, on May 12th, 2020, shortly before midnight. “All Together Now” is a song written about the COVID-19 pandemic, written at the band members’ homes. 

From the outset, vocalist Damian Kulash’s falsetto vocals are smooth indicating this song is supposed to feel smooth and a bit tender. Lyrically, the song is slightly nostalgic for the way things were before the COVID-19 pandemic, reflecting on how “everything’s untouched” but the main message of the song is that things will never be the same - and that it’s okay. Kulash sings his hopes that when the COVID-19 pandemic is over, everything that mattered before the pandemic will be “dissolved all together in the chrysalis” and that the world will be better for it in the end. 

As OK Go is well-known for their theatrical one-take music videos, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the music video for “All Together Now”. Although the whole music video was not recorded in one take with the band performing together, it is well made and ends with a nice tribute to healthcare workers as the band walks outside at 8:01pm, when Los Angeles sings its praises for healthcare workers together.


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