The Garden | Which Coast Recommends

The Garden is a band from California consisting of twin brothers Fletcher and Wyatt Shears. The band is an experimental rock band with elements of punk, screamo and many other genres mashed together.

Sonically, the band sounds like its members are throwing everything at the wall, often combining harsh verses with catchy choruses. The Garden provides quite a mixed bag of instrumental and vocal qualities; while portions of their songs can be harsh and hard to listen to, many of their songs also have surprising and pleasant polish at certain points. I find their intertwining of harsh screaming and pop sensibility to be rather fascinating and often truly enjoyable.

While I definitely would not expect everyone to enjoy The Garden, I do thoroughly believe their material is worth checking out - it’s definitely a unique experience. Embedded below is my favorite song from the band, “A Struggle”.


Dua Lipa - Physical


OK Go - All Together Now