Matty Marz - Watcha Looking At

Matty Marz is a pop music artist and producer based out of New York. Offering up a sound that transcends genres, you can find elements of classic rock, bubblegum pop, funk and electronic inside the naturally distinctive music that Matty Marz creates. We have previously covered this unique artist and his track “Mine!” and “Nu Eyes” and today we are excited to check out “Watcha Looking At”!

“Watcha Looking At” is a swagger-filled track that has an inescapable aura to it, truly making it an alluring piece of music. Through this track, you also get a great feel for the way in which Matty Marz’s sound transcends genres; although the track is unmistakably a Pop number, you can hear elements of other genres throughout that really give life to the track’s overall soundscape. “Watcha Looking At” really feels like one of those songs you can get lost in, providing a great deal of replay value.

Having now heard three tracks from Matty Marz, I feel that it is easy to say this artist has a ton of talent that shines through with each new release. Make sure that you are keeping up with Matty Marz on Instagram and Twitter and we have “Watcha Looking At” embedded below via SoundCloud - take a listen!


Supreece - Go


S.A.E. - Chain Gang