Modern Victim - Fall

Modern Victim is a solo music artist from San Diego, California. This talented artist covers all parts of the songwriting process, including writing, producing, mixing and mastering. Drawing inspiration from genres such as Pop-Punk and Rock, Modern Victim has a sound that is exciting and full of energy. Today we take a dive into Modern Victim’s single, “Fall”.

“Fall” is a high-energy and heartfelt song that is a real treat to listen to. Featuring an instrumental portion as ripe with melody as the vocals, every element of this track is capable of getting stuck in your head - and trust me, it will. In addition, in terms of the track’s thematics, “Fall” definitely has that California style Pop-Punk vibe infused into its core and it is all the better for it. What I think I enjoy most about this song is that it puts all elements of Modern Victim’s skillset on display, showcasing the songwriting, performing and production aspects and how it all comes together for Modern Victim to create a great track.

By listening to “Fall”, we can hear the real essence of Modern Victim and the music with which he shares his soul. The track really is enjoyable and captures a classic Pop-Punk vibe splendidly. Peep Modern Victim’s Instagram for pictures and artist updates and as always we have “Fall” embedded below! Check out more of Modern Victim’s music on Spotify and if you dig it, add it to your playlists!



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