Music Video Review: Marshall Oakman - She's No Doll, She's a Woman

Marshall Oakman is a singer/songwriter and pianist from Long Island, New York. Oakman found his love of piano at the young age of six and since then he has crafted a vast catalog of vibrant and deeply enjoyable compositions. Today we are excited to share our thoughts on Marshall Oakman’s single, “She’s No Doll, She’s a Woman” and break down the music video for you all!

“She's No Doll, She's a Woman” is a delightfully refreshing track, bringing forth a classic Pop feel to it that really hits the spot and is truly enjoyable. Throughout the track we are treated to Oakman’s signature piano skills which set up some brilliant layering with the rest of the instrumental; while they are not featured in the music video, Oakman teamed up with legendary New York-based musicians Kasim Sultan (bass), Liberty Devitto (drums) and Paul Pesco (guitar) and their combined performances are something truly special, leaving the mark of the truly legendary musicians they are. The vocal performance is also awesome and Oakman’s singing voice and lyrics really struck an emotional chord in this one.

The music video for this track features Oakman playing with his band, all women aside from himself, who throughout the performance are all having an awesome time on stage, enjoying their performance. We see the video cut between this performance and the life of a woman who starts out the video lonely and bummed out before learning more about women who have changed the world. She then begins seeing herself doing any number of things, quite literally, and realizes that she, too, has the power to change the world. I enjoy how much the music video ties into the message that Oakman wrote into his lyrics and the video definitely enhances the listening experience!

“She’s No Doll, She’s a Woman” has a timeless feeling to it that really comes out even more powerfully in its music video. Through “She’s No Doll, She’s a Woman”, we get a firsthand example of Marshall Oakman’s awesome piano skills and his unquestionable ability to write awesome Pop tunes. I really think you all out there will deeply enjoy both the song and You can keep up with Marshall Oakman through Facebook and Instagram. We have the music video for “She’s No Doll, She’s a Woman” embedded below!


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