Nadia Vaeh - Leap of Faith w/Interview

Nadia Vaeh is a pop music artist originally from Atlanta, Georgia. Vaeh’s lyrics are always personal and topical and it definitely makes her music special. We have previously listened to two excellent singles from Nadia Vaeh, the mesmerizing “Spellbinding” and the COVID-19 lockdown anthem “Never Leave the Basement”; today we are excited to share our thoughts on Vaeh’s track “Leap of Faith” as well as our interview with this awesome artist!

“Leap of Faith” walks us through Vaeh’s early struggles with her music career and her decision to commit to music as her career and her future. Vaeh was living out of her 2010 Toyota Carolla at this point in life and she namedrops her car while walking us through the feelings from that exciting, terrifying time in her life. The track features Nadia’s trademark personal lyrics and infectious melody work; I feel like you can really feel the things that Vaeh was going through with how she presents the lyrics and this is yet another one of her tracks that I have had on repeat for a few days. “Leap of Faith” shows us Nadia Vaeh’s awesome talent and I think it is a great showing that Vaeh made the right choice committing to music as a career.

Now let’s leap into the interview!

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Thank you for being with us today!

What is Leap of Faith about?

I wrote this song from a tentative place, a place that needed to change. I was living far too deep in a zone of comfort and found myself falling stagnant. I feel like I’ve had trouble trusting my abilities and instincts at times on my journey as an artist and interestingly enough, my artists journey took me away from myself. I left Atlanta to go to LA and treated that city like an ideal destination without realizing it was actually a layover on a larger journey.

Moving to LA was the hardest slap back to me ever. Lol. That city is a spiritual journey and it will either break you, or make you. I think I was very open to growth and was really just seeking understanding through the music. Luckily I connected with people who nurtured my brokenness and didn’t take advantage of me when I arrived.

I made a Leap of Faith and haven’t landed yet, and this is the most exciting part.

How scared were you when you made this Leap of Faith?

I was terrified, but I knew there was no other option. It was either jump out or suffocate, or at least regret not knowing what would happen if I didn’t try. Luckily I like catching air! Lol. I fled the comfort zone I had created; both when I left for LA from Atlanta and then recently just changing up my perspective and choices surrounding my dream. Fear can be turned into a positive; it can make you attentive and aware, and ready for anything you find when you land.

What was the writing process for this song?

The day I sat down to write on zoom with my buddy Dion Shaw, I recall being incredibly frustrated and felt that familiar feeling of stagnancy I felt right before I moved to LA, combined with fear but all the while I was seated and coddled in a cloak of comfort. The life I had built myself in LA was supported by generous and well-wishing benefactors, but always felt too much like a deal with the devil. I was stuck expressing myself at only half capacity: my head looking ahead to create and produce but also looking backwards to avoid stepping on others' expectations and ideals. This song was one of the first songs I felt free from this trap and that opened the gates for me writing my whole first album that will be out early next year. This was absolutely a pivotal writing/therapy session. lol

You often associate your song with causes. What cause is associated with Leap of Faith?

I decided to partner with a UK based charity that helps musicians and artists called Music Minds. Organizations

Thanks you, Nadia!

Our interview session with Vaeh sheds even more light on how personal “Leap of Faith” is and her experiences getting her career started. The music Vaeh releases is special, managing to be both extremely catchy and personal, a combination that is hard to find; Vaeh’s music is definitely can’t-miss! You can find Nadia Vaeh’s social media and music through Linktree and make sure to check out her Instagram, Facebook and website. We have “Leap of Faith” embedded below!


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