Nelson King - Word Is Out

Nelson King is a music artist based in England. King enjoys the sounds of artists like George Harrison, John Lennon, Marc Bolan and Jimi Hendrix and finds inspiration for his music in the world around him. Today we are excited to share our thoughts on Nelson King’s song “Word Is Out”, which is from his release titled Visions.

“Word Is Out” is a truly soulful display of a track that highlights Nelson King’s songwriting and performing skills in a positive light. The track is a catchy throwback both in terms of what the instrumental presents as well as the vocals; the rhythm section is absolutely bouncy while the lead guitar teams with the vocals to lead the song forward in a noticeable way. What I enjoy the most about this track is how much you can hear the influence of some of King’s favorite artists and how he has taken elements of their sound to craft his own, unique mark on the music world.

Truly, Nelson King has a huge talent and natural knack for creating some awesome songs. “Word Is Out” is quite an impressive effort and I think that you all will think so as well. Make sure you keep up with Nelson King through his Facebook page. We have the video for “Word Is Out” embedded below and you can also catch the track on Bandcamp - give it a spin and send Nelson King some love!


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