Poundshop Parka - Room/Park Bench

Poundshop Parka is a new Indie Pop experience founded by old friends Pete Devaney and Tom Jenkins. Last month, we checked out Poundshop Parka’s debut track which we thoroughly enjoyed and today we are excited to share our advance review of their upcoming double single featuring both “Room” and “Park Bench”!

Both “Room” and “Park Bench” have some rich, enjoyable textures and unique vibes that helps each song stand. Much like with Poundshop Parka’s debut song, “Managing Director”, both of these songs have remarkable composition and production; plain and simple, these guys understand what sounds good and know how to achieve that within their music. After listening to both songs, I understand why they were paired together; they have interwoven qualities that both have the signature flavor I am quickly coming to expect from Poundshop Parka.

I am quickly becoming a big fan of Poundshop Parka’s music and, as they release more songs, I believe they are really going to gain an expansive and dedicated following. You can keep up with Poundshop Parka through Instagram - be on the lookout for this exciting double single release from Poundshop Parka coming soon!


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