Qtip Loc - I’m a P.I.M.P

Qtip Loc is an American music recording artist, entrepreneur and hustler. Although his music mostly closely aligns with the Rap genre, Qtip Loc doesn’t see himself as a rapper, isntead viewing himself as “a sh!t talking philosopher, who can rhyme”. Today we are excited to share our thoughts on Qtip Loc’s single, “I’m a P.I.M.P”!

“I’m a P.I.M.P” has a ton of swagger, providing a very distinctive and engaging listening experience that is sure to please. This track’s lyrics walk us through Qtip Loc’s life, living as a pimp; these lyrics are a lot of fun and are very creative, showing us how Qtip Loc brings a very unique style to his writing. The interplay between the vocal performance and the instrumental is also awesome, really rounding things out in a massively enjoyable way.

Earning money has always been at the forefront of what Qtip Loc is doing and “I’m a P.I.M.P” is a great example of how he is working hard to get there; the song has been featured on the radio and is undoubtedly a triumph. You can keep up with Qtip Loc through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. We have “I’m a P.I.M.P” embedded below!


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